Friday, January 9, 2009

School Day and Pot Luck Dinner

Today, Friday was school day. From all reports everyone had a great time in various classes. The daily announcements were made by some of our students over the school PA system. 30 Pizzas went down well at lunchtime and the pot luck dinner was put on by David and Elise Belnap was wonderful giving every one a chance to meet all the other families. The are a couple of photos which I will download later. In the meantime we are now into the final stage of our hosting in Mesa with families applying for adoption because they have just loved having our students. We've told them that we have to take them all home with us so let me know if you don't want them back (just joking!).


  1. Are you sure you're just joking :-)

    Good to hear everything is going so well - looks like this will be a trip they will all remember for the rest of their lives.

  2. Hi All

    Glad to see you are all still well and enjoying yourselves.

    Gordon a special thanks for all the photo's as with these it's like being there without all the hassles and we still have peace and quiet.

    Natalie if you could send the adoption papers ASAP we can have them signed and returned before the end of the week. (Sorry only joking)But send the papers any way just incase we change our minds. Getting towards the tail end of your journey. Make sure you continue to enjoy,have fun and come back home healthy and in one piece.

    Ron Kovacs

  3. Gordon, thanks sooo much for all the great photos and updates. Very much appreciated.

    Hope the final week of the trip all goes well.

    Narelle Leathem

  4. Thanks Gordon and Helen for the amazing pics and regular updates. We are enjoying being virtual travellers......
    This will certainly be one memorable holiday for the kids. Stay safe and enjoy the last week of the trip!!

    Paige, bring those adoption papers home (only joking darling - we miss you already! lots love)

    Penny and Dean
