Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Leaving Las Vegas

Well we've just arrived at Gate D55 to find there is a 65 minute delay. Dang, we could have made lunch at Caesar's Palace after all. Well its been a great stay here and I think we're all a little shorter from the walking we've done. I guess it will be airport food for tea as it will be quite late by the time we get to our hotel. There was a great hot continental breakfast this morning which was appreciated by all. I'll go and sort some pictures and see what I can do before we board.

The show last night was spectacular.


Gordon (and as always Helen, Kylie and Chris as well).
PS. It great to see the comments posted by parents. At least I kknow some of you are reading this.


  1. Yes, Gordon, we are avidly reading the updates and enjoying the photos. Thanks so much. We love seeing what the group is up to.

    The Brawn family

  2. We sure are reading and very much enjoying the updates. Without them I doubt we would know if jordan was alive. It sounds like great fun.

  3. Thanks for all the updates and great photos! Good to know that all is ok and a good time is being had by all. Can you make sure Greg gets on the plane at LA as he seems to be having way too much fun!
    The Ashelfords

  4. We look forward to all your comments and photos...if fact we might just keep sending you around the world for more adventures as we will miss the nearly daily installments of life on the hoof! Many, many thanks to you Helen, Kylie and Chris for looking after our little "Aussie Group" and not leaving anyone behind!
    The Shanahans (Stuart, we are your family in case you have forgotten!!Have fun and keep safe! x)

  5. We are enjoying the blog I'm glad its you controling 40 teenages I gave up controling one years ago.Looking forward to your pics of vegas
    Have fun

  6. Gordon, thank you so much for the daily updates - we appreciate it and enjoy reading about the group's daily activities. Thanks to your updates and pics we know Paige is safe and having a great time!
    A BIG THANK YOU to you, Helen, Chris and Kylie for taking such good care of our little Aussie travellers.

    Penny and Dean

  7. Another heart felt thank you to Gordon for all the hard work in keeping us updated, and to Helen, Chris, Kylie and Gordon for the fantastic time you are letting our kids have. It's amasing, I don't recognise any of the clothes Karl is wearing the photos! Do we have to extend your room Karl? Enjoy your last few days of adventure everyone.

    the Stein family

  8. We have been checking daily for updates on the blog and look forward to reading what has been happening. Thank you Gordon for the photos, you are quite a photographer(is it possible to get copies of some??). Also many thanks to you, Helen, Chris and Kylie for keeping everyone safe. Looking forward to having Harry home, it has been far too quiet without him. Enjoy your last days in L.A.
    Mathias family

  9. Thank you for this excellent blog. I have really enjoyed reading your diary of events and have certainly enjoyed all the photos.
    Well done. It is obvious that the trip has been a great success and all the students have had a wonderful time and made some great new friends.
    An aunt of one of the students

  10. Well done Gordon,Helen,Chris and Kylie - you are on the home stretch now and haven't lost a child yet !! Hope the remainder of the trip goes smoothly . From your reports and wonderful photos it appears that the kids will have memories of their trip to last a lifetime.It's going to be hard to top this holiday-enjoy the theme parks ! Love to Natalie and all the gang- the Kovacs

  11. We are counting the days to your return. We miss our Blake. I was glad to hear from his host Mum, Elizabeth Stark, that he can still fall alseep anywhere at any time (just like his Father!)
    Thanks once again for making this a trip of a lifetime for all the children.
    Is there any chance of getting a CD with all the great photos on it?
    Brian and Narelle Leathem
