Sunday, January 18, 2009


Well we ALL came back. At least we counted 40 students onto the aircraft! We're home again and need to unpack, sleep, fix the desktop computer which went down the day before we left, take down the Christmas lights and decorations, put out the tree, etc. Over the next week I'll keep adding to the blog to try and complete the story. If any one has photos they'd like to include, let me know.

So ends a great trip. As expected some got more out of the experience than others, but we believe without exception everyone had a great time including the leaders. Now to start planning the next one in 2 years time. Already modifications are being considered to make it even better.

Thank you everyone for your children, your trust, your patience and your following.

Gordon and Helen Vick
and of course Kylie and Chris.


  1. Dear Gordon
    Our exhausted and unwell daughter Nicola, talked non-stop on our journey home from the airport and continued until falling into a deep sleep a few hours later. She had an absolute ball, the time of her life. Everything was positive - the sights seen, the adventures had, the new friendships made and existing ones that have been strengthened. Words can't express our gratitude to you and Helen, Kylie and Chris. Have a well earned rest before school starts for 2009 and sincere thanks again for everything.
    Steve and Di Hartshorn

  2. Well Gordon,Helen,Kylie and Chris - congratulations and thank you for your wonderful efforts in giving the kids such a life changing experience. Natalie thoroughly enjoyed it and is happily reliving the trip to all who will listen.Enjoy the rest of the "break"-you deserve several sleep ins! Thank you all again ! Regards Louise and Ron Kovacs

  3. Dear Gordon, Helen, Kylie and Chris
    Hard to add to sentiments already expressed. By your thoughtful and caring planning, you have delived home 40 lucky kids who have enjoyed the experience of a lifetime. D'Arcy was in the surf within an hour of touchdown! An overseas trip was a "dream" during our childhood but a reality in theirs. Thank you so very much and enjoy your break. John, Karen and D'Arcy Dineen

  4. Yep ditto to all of that. Sam is in the surf as we speak and the clothes line is weighed down with the contents of his bag. We were in shock last night when he actually asked for vegetables, which he said he hadn't eaten in 3 weeks! So it was Zucchini Pie and watching 'Escape From Alcatraz' to relive one of your great adventures. Of course he was snoring by 7.30.
    He had a ball. We thanked you already but a big thanks again to Gordon, Helen, Kylie and Chris.
    The Whites

  5. Hi Gordon, Helen, Kylie and Chris
    Stuey has had an amazing adventure and a life lesson in a different culture to simply that of a northern beaches lifestyle! The world is a bigger place than realised and people have many different ways of living. Scrabble on New Years Eve is actually a "years" beginning that Stuey will always remember for life!! Not to mention the amazing places he was able to experience as part of the American culture!! Vegetables have also rated extremely high as he first walked in the door making a smoothie with as much fruit as he could squish in! This trip has certainly given us a lot to talk about :)
    Thank you SO MUCH for the incredible amount of preparation and organisation of 40 TEENAGERS overseas, for your wonderful photos and comments as the time went by and for giving Stuey the opportunity of being part of your group. He had a fantastic time!!We hope you enjoyed your time as much he did and that you enjoy a bit of space before the term starts again!
    Kindest regards
    Kevin and Gretel

  6. I can only express what everyone else has siad. Rachelle had a great time and wants to go back to Hollywood in the future., great trip and great memories


    Peter CHAMINGS (Rachelles Dad)

  7. Ditto to all of the above. Lucy had a fantastic time. The match with the host family was perfect. Esther and her had so much fun together and Esther is planning her Australia visit for next year! Thank you very much for making this a trip of a life time for all the students.
    Regards Hassett Family
