Monday, January 12, 2009

Phoenix Departure

Well Hi everyone,
I'm sitting here in the departure lounge of Sky Harbor, Phoenix airport. We've successfully weaned all our students from their host families after having a great time here in Phoenix. Some luggage was over weight and friends who were under weight were needed to help out. One forgot and had all his hair gel etc removed from his carryon. They were told! But we're all safe and heading off to our adventure in LV.
There are some great stories of some of the activities our students have done in home stay and I hope some of them will add to the blog in the comments.
So parents, just a week to go. Hope you are all enjoying the break as much as I know you are missing them.
Gordon (and Helen, Kylie and Chris).


  1. Thanks for all your updates Gordon. Victoria's camera broke in SF but thanks to you she will still have a good memory of the trip.
    Best wishes to you all and don't forget to wash!
    Margaret Chidgey

  2. Thanks Gordon for the update.
    I have neglected to mentioned them before but please thank Helen, Kylie and Chris for all their hard work also.

    Did you say missing them? Missing who and yes we are enjoying the pease and quiet.Enjoy LV and hold on to your money.

    Bring yourselves home safe and well but in the mean time enjoy.

  3. Helen and Gordon thank you so much for your re-assurance the other night. We got in contact with Julian, and as you said, he has been having too much of a good time with his host family to think about us too much. So far so good.
    Thanks also for all the photos and updates so at least the people here at home can enjoy being part of the adventures in a small way.

  4. We are so grateful for the care of you, Helen and your team.D'Arcy, Greg and Ian have been given an amazing time in Phoenix with their hosts, Costance and Chris, and we have made friends as well. Missing them, without doubt -time of their lives - absolutely! Safe journey home

  5. It's great to hear about the links that are being forged with the host families the kids stayed with. Having international friends will serve them well on future travels or if they want to visit Australia.

    I reckon quite a few of the US families will have their curiosity piqued about Australia. We just have to remind them the place is bigger than they might think.
