Sunday, December 28, 2008

Well after a bumpy ride across the Pacific we touched down in SF about 30 minutes early. Not much sleep by most. Off to the Jelly Belly Jelly Bean Factory for a tour, lunch and purchases. Back to the hotel and an enjoyable dinner at Bubba Gumps restaurant on Pier 39. All heading off to bed for a good sleep. All's well, all safe and had a great day.


  1. Please say to Hi Paige from her dad and i'm glad everyone is ok

  2. Hey Genna,Grace, Jess and everyone. love The Brodie Bunch

  3. Happy New Year to everyone may you all be safe and come home safe, I hope the new year brings good to you all. Paige luv u ur dad. thanks got ur voice message.

  4. Best wishes for the New Year Sarah, Nat & your host family. Love S&T

  5. Happy New Year Blake and Harry. All the best for the rest of your trip and for 2009. Narelle, Brian, Kayle, Scott, and Matt

  6. Happy New Year to Stuey and your new American family...hope you all had fun seeing it in! Love Mum, Dad and Kels

  7. Wishing Julian and his host family a wonderful New Year. Julian, it's been great to hear from you. We're thinking about you and hope you keep having fun while you are away.
    Love Mum, Dad and Christian

  8. Hope the trip is going well Nic and you are feeling okay. Enjoy the time away and stay safe. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Happy New Year.
    Love Mum, Matt, Elise and Samuel

  9. Hey there Sammy. We hope you are having the time of your life over there and had a great New Years with Jose and his family. Call home when you get a chance mate and tell us about your adventures.
    Love Mum, Dad, Casey and Mickey.

  10. Hi Link,
    We wish you, Tom, the other guys, Joseph and his family a very happy New Year - hope you didn't party too hard!? Give us a call if you get a chance before Sunday as Dani is on a morning flight and then we will be away for a week. Love to hear your voice and know what you are up to.
    Promise not to embarrass you any more.
    Love from all of us down under with a kiss from Mum - so I embarrassed you again .......

  11. Happy New year ! Hope you are all having a wonderful time. Love to Natalie, Sarah and the Brooks family- miss ya princess love The Kovacs and our adopted son
