Wednesday, December 29, 2010

San Francisco

Had a great night last night at the restaurant and the weather was kinder today. The rain has lifted and visibility excellent. No, there's no snow! Breakfast today at IHOP and then on to the ferry for Alcatraz. Wind cold but otherwise a great morning. The kids really enjoyed the audiovisual tour and the views of San Francisco were great from "the Rock". Lunch on Pier 39 and shopping... and more shopping ... Then headed to the cable cars. Kids had a ball most opting to stand and hang from the open sides. Very excited going down the steep hills. Got off at Lombard Street and walked down the curliest street in the world. Then headed off to the Hard Rock Cafe and a little more shopping at Pier 39... again!
Back to the hotel where we celebrated Luke Macri's 16th birthday. (Georgie Dinan's 18th tomorrow. All in all another great day. Many cold but very happy faces. Unfortunately can't load photos from here. (No FTP access). Will do so when we hit Phoenix. Helen has already taken hundreds!! The kids are getting used to her lining them up for a "quick photo". Heading off for our coach tour of San Francisco tomorrow and a walk across the Golden Gate Bridge before flying to Phoenix. San Francisco has been a load of fun despite the freezing weather.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

San Francisco

Hi Everyone,
Arrived safely today to rain. and cool temperatures. Visited the Jelly Belly Jelly Bean Factory straight from the plane and then to the hotel. Had dinner at Bubba Gump Restaurant and back to the hotel. Hopefully the rain will lift tomorrow.

Monday, November 8, 2010


All booked and mostly paid for. The contingency has come to AU$290 and is now due. Please check your emails for details.

Final Meeting

Thursday 16th December 2010.
Location: Berg Hall, St Leo's College, Wahroonga.
We are currently waiting on the last stages of homestay. When we receive the biographies of the American students we will then fine tune the accommodation.

Itinerary 2010-2011

Well we have some dates for you.

Depart 28th December, 2010, on UA870 at 1625.
Meet at the airport at 1315 on 28/12/10.

Arrive back in Sydney 19th January, 2011 on UA839 at 0750.
Depart San Francisco for Phoenix 30th December, 2010.

Depart Phoenix for Las Vegas 12th January 2011
Depart Las Vegas for Los Angeles 13th January 2011

Depart Las Angeles for Sydney 17th January 2011, skip a day aver the dateline getting back home on Wednesday 19th January 2011 at 0750.

Of course knowing airlines the times may change a bit the dates shouldn't.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Last Term Before We Go

Well not long to go now. A few admin details to tidy up. Getting your entry number for USA seems to be the main task for some.